Yoni Suppositories (Juicy Pops)- 600mg Boric Acid Suppositories. should be taken in suppository form only – NOT orally – and is NOT recommended for pregnant women.
A simple but powerful single-ingredient solution for maintaining healthy levels of vaginal yeast and bacteria, and a balanced vaginal pH Helps with vaginal odor, showing results instantly. Promotes extra lubrication and best to use after your menstrual cycle.
Pharmaceutical-grade pure boric acid Vaginal pH balancer Reduces and controls yeast Reduces and controls bacterial vaginosis Highly Effective -alternative for antibiotics + 1 free applicator. one suppository as needed.. Best to use for 7 consecutive days.
This is not to be taken orally, store these suppositories safely.
If taken orally call poision control (800)-222-1222