Want a rejuvenated yoni? Just 30 seconds! Our "Grip Wand" is made from natural ingredients and helps you restore healthy vaginal elasticity. 100% highly Effective and healthy way to get an extra grip right before intercourse increasing all sexual expierences. Use right in the comfort of your home within seconds!
- Wash hands
- Remove Grip Wand from packaging & wet the top end
- Insert 1/4 OR 1/2 of the stick into your cleansed vagina slowly while rotating in a circular motion for 20-30 seconds.
- Remove the Grip wand wipe with cloth and rinse your vagina after application to cleanse discharge and/or residue.
Our Grip Wand is Re-usable and can last for months! Pregnant women can NOT use.
Ingredients: Fructus Cnidii, Pearl Powder, Madura Herb root, Sophora flavescens