
Godess Yoni Herbs



Benefits of Vaginal Steaming:

Reduce period pain significantly.
Address pre and post-menstrual spotting.
Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
Improve fertility.
Increase circulation and blood flow.
Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after childbirth.
Cleanse the uterine lining of old blood.
Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.
Improve period bleeding that is brown or black in colour.
Relieve symptoms of menopause including hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

These Steams are put into a bucket or a pot while hot water is poured over it. You will then sit over your steam with your legs open and a towel laying on your lap to prevent release of the steam. Do this for 25-45 Minutes until steam is cooled.

(Small bag 1/2 servings)
(Large Bag 2/3 servings)

Women who are using the goddess steam as a overall self care routine may steam 2-4x a month.Women who experience fertility challenges should steam 2-3x within the week before menstruation. Women who are using for postpartum must wait until the lochia has passed and then can steam for 2-3x per week for facilitate healing and toning of the uterus/vagina.


legal disclaimer there’s aren’t evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or any doubts - please consult your physician before buying this product. We do not offer this product with the intention to treat, cure, diagnose or claim to cure any condition. All claims regarding this product are per third party findings.


Why Vagipearls

Designed with natural ingredients for women's

100% Natural

Natural ingredients combine essential vitamins, botanicals, and minerals that heal and restore our skin

Menstrual Pain

Work best for relieving menstrual cramps with our yoni bars

Prevent Infection

We use natural ingredients to prevent exposure to infection

pH Balance

Built to naturally maintain a healthy balance of acidity and alkalinity

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